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Policy on the use of cookies


• Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter "GDPR") was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on April 27 2016, its provisions being directly applicable starting from May 25, 2018. GDPR is directly applicable in all member states of the European Union, protecting the rights of all natural persons located on the territory of the European Union. From a material point of view, the GDPR applies to all operators who process personal data.

• The GDPR does not apply to the processing of personal data concerning legal entities and, in particular, businesses with legal personality, including the name and type of legal entity and contact details of the legal entity. Personal data is defined as any information regarding an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more many specific elements.

• Related to GDPR, cookie modules can represent defining elements in the identification of a person in the online environment, as they can store certain data or information that could lead to the "tracking" and then identification of a person in the online environment. In this sense, the use of cookies may represent a way of collecting personal data, therefore falling under the scope of the GDPR.


• This policy refers to the cookies that are used and run on the website


• This website uses cookie modules to offer the user an intuitive and interactive online experience.• Cookies are fragments of text placed in your device from which you access the website

• The cookie is a small file, consisting of alphanumeric characters, which will be stored on the computer, mobile terminal or other equipment of a user from which a website that uses this element is accessed.• This automatic storage technology of data is very widespread and is used to collect information such as the type of browser and operating system, the source page, the name of the domain from which the visitor connected to the website, etc., in order to understand how they use visitors to this web page.

• A cookie does not contain and is not made up of code fragments, therefore it cannot be run or executed in any way. The cookie cannot produce any change in the device on which it is stored, which is why it cannot represent any threat to the security of the information stored in your device.


• Most web browsers, smart phones and other devices adapted to browsing the Internet are normally set to accept cookies.

• The cookies used on this website do not request personal information nor can they lead to the personal identification of internet users accessing the site. The data collected through cookies have a purely functional, statistical and objective character. Most of the time, deactivating the cookies that are essential in the functioning of the website can lead to incorrect operation, the non-display of certain sections or even the non-functionality of a website.

• These files make it possible to recognize the user's terminal and present the existing content on the website in a relevant way, tailored to the user's preferences. Cookies provide users with a pleasant browsing experience and support our efforts to provide convenient services to web page users (for example: online privacy preferences, relevant advertising, useful recommendations, etc.).

• Cookies are also used in the preparation of anonymous statistics that help us understand how a user benefits from our website, how they use it, and for what purpose. Thus, we have the possibility to improve the structure and content offered on our website, excluding the personal identification of the user.

• You have more options for managing cookies on your computer or device. cookie or, depending on the browser you use, you may be warned if a website tries to place a cookie on your browser.


The cookie modules are diversified, there are different variations of them, each following a well-defined purpose or coming from a specific source. Thus, the cookie modules can be classified into:

• First-Party Cookies: These cookies are those of the site accessed by a visitor. Mainly, they have a purely statistical purpose, that is, through these cookie modules the views / accesses of the site (or of a certain category of the site), the number of active sessions, etc. are calculated.

• Third-Party Cookies: These cookies s do not belong to and are not controlled by the accessed website. They are set by web domains that are not necessarily accessed directly by the user. Third party cookies are inserted by website owners when they want to interconnect several facilities offered in the online environment. A good example of this is using an existing YouTube video in the interface of another website. By pressing the "play" button of the video, YouTube can also place cookies on the device from which the access takes place, without the user entering by default.

• Cookies per session: These cookies they are stored for as long as the browser remains open and are deleted immediately (or at most a few seconds) after closing the browser. These cookies have a purely administrative and functional purpose as they allow the user to benefit from the accessed website in a useful way.

• Persistent cookies: As the name suggests, these cookies are stored for a longer period of time. They have a specific duration for which they will exist in the user's terminal (starting from a few minutes to years or decades) and are not automatically deleted when the web browser is closed. The purpose of these cookies is to track user interaction with a specific website. An example of this would be keeping login data on a certain website (Remember Username/Password). However, the user still has full control over these persistent cookies, having the possibility to delete or block them from his terminal whenever he wants.

• Data security cookies: These cookies can only be used by the sites which uses the HTTPS protocol. These cookies contain encrypted data, useful for online payments, online transactions, online / mobile banking services, etc.


• The following cookies are used on the website, with the following functionalities:

• PHPSESSID – expires after closing the session
• rememberme – expires after one month
• loggedin – expires after logging out


• A visit to this site may place in the user's terminal the cookies listed in the previous point for the following purposes:

• To store the user's preferences;

• To make the user's experience on this site a useful experience;

• To maintain the site operational;

• To be able to offer users all the options available on the website;

• To collect data for purely analytical purposes.


• In general, any application used to access web pages allows Cookies to be saved on the terminal by default. These settings can be changed at any time by the user from the "Settings" menu related to each application. Thus, the user can set the web browser to stop storing cookies, allow cookies only from certain sites, delete already stored cookies and many other such actions. Detailed information about the possibilities and ways to manage cookies can be found in the settings area of ​​the application (web browser).


• Since the protection of personal data is a goal that must be satisfied, it is advisable to be aware of the possible problems that cookies can create, or more precisely, their use.

• Considering that through cookies data is transmitted in constantly, in both directions (from the user to the website and vice versa), if an attacker or unauthorized person intervenes during the data transmission process, the information contained in cookies can be intercepted, altered or even blocked. Although very rare, this can happen. For example, if the browser connects to the server using an unencrypted network (an unsecured WiFi network), then an attacker can intercept the data transmission.


• If you want to use the website at full capacity, you must accept the cookie modules of this website. Certain features of this website will not work if you reject cookies.

• We reserve the right to make any additions or changes to the contents of this document. Please visit this page regularly to stay informed of these and any new applicable information.

• We also want to inform you that each time we change this section, we will mention at the bottom of the page the date on which it was place of the last update of this Policy.

Last update: 13.06.2023